Massive Growth for Laser Defense Eyewear Industry

Massive Growth for Laser Defense Eyewear Industry

A laser weapon is a directed energy weapon based on lasers. After decades of research and development, targeted energy weapons, including lasers, are still in the experimental stage as of January 2020, and it remains to be seen whether or when they will be used as practical, high-powered military weapons. Thermal bloom in the atmosphere has been a major problem that is still largely unsolved and worsened when there is fog, smoke, dust, rain, snow, smog, foam, or intentionally dispersed dark chemicals in the air.

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Some of the key players of Laser Defense Eyewear Industry:

Blueye Tactical Shooting Glasses, ESS, GENTEX CORPORATION, Honeywell International Inc., Metamaterial Inc., NoIR LaserShields, PERRIQUEST DEFENSE RESEARCH ENTERPRISE, Revision Military., ST Laserstrike, Shalon-Chemical Industries

Essentially, a laser creates a beam of light that needs clear air or a vacuum to work without thermal bloom. However, lasers and other directional energy weapons have been an integral part of science fiction since their inception. Many types of lasers can potentially be used as incapable weapons as they can cause temporary or permanent vision loss when aimed at the eyes. The degree, character, and duration of visual impairment caused by exposure of the eye to laser light will vary with the power of the laser, the wavelength (s), the collimation of the beam, the precise orientation of the beam, and the duration of exposure .

A fraction of a watt lasers can cause instant, permanent vision loss under certain conditions, making such lasers potentially non-lethal but incapable weapons. The extreme handicap that laser-induced blindness represents makes the use of lasers as non-lethal weapons morally controversial, and weapons intended to cause permanent blindness have been banned by the Protocol on Blinding Laser Weapons.


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