Waste-to-Energy (WtE) or Energy-from-Waste (EfW) is the process of generating energy in the form of electricity and / or heat from primary waste treatment or the processing of waste into a fuel source. WtE is a form of energy recovery. Most WtE processes generate electricity and / or heat directly through combustion or produce a combustible fuel such as methane, methanol, ethanol. or synthetic fuels.

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Some of the key players of Waste-to-Energy Technologies Industry:

Covanta, Suez, Wheelabrator, Veolia, China Everbright, A2A, EEW Efw, CA Tokyo 23, Attero, TIRU, MVV Energie, NEAS, Viridor, AEB Amsterdam, AVR, Tianjin Teda, City of Kobe, Shenzhen Energy, Grandblue, Osaka City Hall, MCC

Incineration, the incineration of organic material such as waste with energy recovery, is the most common WtE implementation. All new WtE plants in OECD countries that incinerate waste must meet strict emission standards, including plants for nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2), heavy metals and dioxins. Therefore, modern incinerators are very different from old types, some of which do not recover energy or materials. Modern incinerators reduce the volume of the original waste by 95 to 96 percent, depending on the composition and degree of recovery of materials such as metals from the ash for recycling.

Incineration plants can emit fine dust, heavy metals, trace dioxins and acid gas, although these emissions are relatively low in modern incineration plants. Other concerns concern the proper disposal of residues: toxic fly ash, which must be handled in hazardous waste disposal facilities, and bottom ash from the incinerator (IBA), which must be properly reused.


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